Day 1 of Training

Today I decided to start training for a half marathon without actually signing up for a half marathon… How’s that for a lofty goal, ay?

However, the Navy Air Force Half Marathon will actually take place in 3 weeks in mid-September and I could still potentially register for it, so I googled “how to train for a half marathon in 3 weeks” and there is basically zilch on Google aside from some desperate forum posts. Google, always the wise one, auto-filled my search to 4 weeks instead. And that is when I discovered that the recommendation for a minimal half marathon training period is actually 4 weeks to train. Oops. Not that I’ve ever listened to experts anyways. Why do we have them again? We’ll see how it goes and if I will be in ok enough shape to register come September. Heh.

Enter Day 1.

I went for a run today after work, fully inspired after my Google research (in my head I am telling myself that I can modify a 4 week plan to 3 weeks like it’s nothing), with a goal of at least 3 miles today. In the middle of my run, I ran to a nearby park where a girls intramural soccer team was practicing and the park had fences that were basically a series of posts connected by a low hanging chain. SUDDEN SPARK OF INSPIRATION. What better time to hurdle over it like a pro and rejoice in my misery and sweat 2 miles in?

My bambi ass thought I could prance over the chain… but my foot didn’t even end up clearing it. I walloped into the chain and bounced right off like a juiced up WWE wrestler in the ring. I’m pretty sure my body registered what was going on before my brain did. After coming to a screeching halt for a moment, I stood there stupidly and then furtively glanced around to see if anyone witnessed my shame. Nope. Coach still coaching and girls still soccer-ing. I slogged on valiantly although I have a feeling my thigh is going to have a nasty bruise tomorrow.

Day 2 tomorrow. Yippee!

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