The Martian

I just got home from seeing The Martian and boy am I amped up! This may be the coffee that I had at around 9:40 pm (the movie was at 11:30 pm so I really had no other choice but to consume the beverage obviously – it was delicious btw thank you chauchau) but I expect I behaved as an (perhaps THE) exemplary audience member. I shrieked, gasped and oh my god’ed at all the appropriate places. I’m very thankful that I chose to wear a sweater with a cowl because I used that to stretch over my face for at least 2/3 of the movie. I grabbed at and clawed at my face so many times my cowl-covered hands almost became permanent extensions of my cheeks.

Thank you, sweater cowl, for a pimple free face of tomorrow.

I also realized on the drive home in this nor’easter rain (more like mist) that my jaw is sore. I think I may have been clenching it too hard in anticipation and didn’t even notice until I asked myself, “Why do my teeth hurt?”

What a movie! Spoiler alert so do not read on if you don’t want to know any details of the movie… Matt Damon was stupendous as well as the rest of the cast. His character was much more likeable than his treacherous one in Interstellar. The thought of his character almost dying in this movie was devastating. And how great was it that they inserted a joke relating to Lord Elrond and LOTR with Sean Bean in this movie?!

I’m going to google all the goodness out of this movie now and add the book to my Goodreads list which is at least 200 something books and counting now. When am I ever going to catch up?

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